Whats up with me

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The book that started to change my way and view of life

I don’t read book that much. The same goes for novels poems or anything that is written in a paper or compiled in a thick book. Though I read only a few books that talk about life or all about fantasy, there is this book that totally changed my life. It’s not bible though I’m in a prayer group or I’m a Roman Catholic. The book that I’m referring to is titled “Being Happy!” by Andrew Matthews. It is a book that talks about life, set backs, failures, triumph in ones life, goals in life and a lot more that is related on ones personal life. It totally affected my life in a way that I changed my views in life. When I read the book before for our book review in my English class during our freshmen days, I thought before those things that Andrew mentioned in the book don’t add up. They don’t even relate one way or the other. But after I finished reading the book, I tried to self reflect, thought of the things Andrew mentioned, tried to relate the book is saying in my life, and thought critically about life. Guess what, they are all connected. Just then I realized that such things exist, events that most of the people ignore happen and that such possibility that are unimaginable is existing right now in our very own lives. The book greatly influenced me when it explained how our conscious and subconscious thoughts greatly affect our way of living. My mind was boggled on how it work and how they relate in our lives but it made me more interested on reading it. I learned something new and totally different from the knowledge some other books offer. The book said that only a part of our mind is our conscious side, meaning that we only knew, about a quarter or less, things about our self. Our conscious side points our goal and our destination. On the other hand, our subconscious side is way bigger than our conscious side. It’s like our subconscious side covers entirely about our mind or our way of thinking. The subconscious side is the one responsible why and how we meet our goals and what we end up if we end up in different path. It is even responsible on our daily actions and habits. The subconscious side of our mind is the fuel that keeps us going and the conscious side is the one that tells us where to go. In that way the two relate. By understanding the conscious and subconscious part of our brain as the book said, my mind was exposed on different sorts of things that I didn’t notice before. It’s like such things in life work that way a long time ago; people just don’t notice it much because they keep closing their minds and deny reality as it is because of fear for it. The book definitely changed me from the day I read the book; even now I share the stuffs I learned from the book to my friends and almost all of those lessons that you learn from that book is still in my head.


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