Whats up with me

Thursday, July 2, 2009

If I were a famous person

If i were a famous person, I would be a star that rocks the world just like Chester of hte Linkin Park, HELL YEAH!!!!! hahaha :)) . Shining bright like a star in the middle of the night, I will rock the whole world, making the chicks go wild just hearing me coming and making the title "STAR" real and not just for show. I don't want to be and I won't do what other sissy bands do, playing songs like they won't live another day or songs of a crying person wanted to commit suicide. To make things short, I won't play songs for emo, they SUCK!!! YEAH!!!! DAMN RIGHT!!!! I'll make the girls love me like a I'm a popstar or an artist playing rnb. I'll just keep on playing my songs, rocking the world, keep on taking awards because of my songs, and keeping myself famous. Even though I'll make enemies or make the other bands hate me in the process of my being a "ROCK STAR", I don't care about them, its just that I'm famous and they SUCK!!! And DAMN!!! that feels good, seeing myself stealing everything from them at the top of their career. SORE LOSERS!!! HAHAHAHA !!! LOL :)) ... about the stealing thing, I just made it up if I were Chester. He don't it actually in reality hehehe :D


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